Another great photoshoot with a wonderful couple - Leslie and Paul. The afternoon started with a rain, and later on subsided. We had dramatic clouds and gloomy sky. I saw this graffitti near Market St. and we shot something grungy. It was raining, and can't really shoot outdoors, 'thought of going to a nearby hotel but somehow I didnt find anything interesting in the lobby. Just when we were about to leave, Leslie & Paul saw their friend who was working at the hotel, and he suggested we go to the rooftop restaurant, and was the view amazing! Leslie likes architecture and SF and this was architecture with SF view. Later, we revisited "The Boulevard" where Paul proposed to Leslie. The couple mentioned to me beforehand they like to have shots at the embarcadero and overlooking the Bay Bridge - their wish is my command, and we have poetic shots in these locations. Here are some of them. To Leslie & Paul, thank you so much for a wonderful photoshoot and for bearing with me.
How clever are these 2 birds in the sky flying into my frame. They add a good finish to this heartfelt photo.
I wake up and I am a year older. My wife is beside me, whispering greetings to my ears, "happy birthday honey" thrice she greets me, but she's half-awake. I smile. I hug and kiss her and prepare for the day.
I check my emails, and see more greetings from my friends and family. This is an ordinary day, made special, because of the warm thoughts and greetings from my loved ones, long-lost friends, former colleagues, and high school classmates. It's the thought that counts.
I continue checking my emails. And I was greeted by Wedding & Portrait Photographers International (WPPI), not birthday greetings, but congratulations for winning their 2008 2nd Half competition. I won 1st place for Individual Portraits category, 1st place for Landscape category, 2nd place for the Advertising/Fashion category, plus 3 more Accolade of Excellence awards for the Engagement and Bridal category. Wow, what a blessing, and what a special birthday gift. I am so happy and inspired. Overwhelmed!
I thank God for this wonderful day.
1st Place - Individual Portraits category - "Muay Thai fighter"
1st Place - Landscape category - "Golden Gate"
2nd Place - Advertising/Fashion - "CK"
Accolade of Excellence - Engagement - "Somewhere in Time"
Accolade of Excellence - Bride and Groom Together category - "Kiss"
Accolade of Excellence - Landscape - "Mirror Lake"
Todd is an accomplished photographer based in Nevada, and when he and Christy booked us for their wedding, Phoebe and I were doubly thrilled as this would be the first wedding we're covering for a fellow photographer. We are so pleased that they appreciate our works :) And the next minute on the other hand, we thought, whoa, this means higher expectations since usually photographers have distinct taste for art. We first met Todd & Christy on their wedding day itself, they booked us over the internet/phone/mail and haven't seen each other personally yet. Todd's a real nice guy and totally trusted us with their wedding, he's very friendly, cool and open to any of our ideas. He let us do what we wanted to do. Christy is as relaxed as a bride should be, and her face is just blooming with happiness. Together, Todd & Christy, are just so in-love with each other and that's showing in the pictures.
When we arrived at the hotel room where Christy is getting ready. I found she had a People's magazine lying around with a fitting coverpage title, "The Greatest Weddings", and I found some photos of her and Todd, and I put the pictures on top of the cover. I added their wedding rings to the mix, and I thought this photo would make a great beginning for the slideshow. Here it is. Click on the slideshow to view highlights of their wedding. (note: slideshow takes about a minute to load)
We received an email from Christy, saying she loves the photos so much and she couldn't be happier. Christy & Todd, thanks a lot, it's a joy to work with you two, wishing you all the happiness in married life.
When Roger booked me for a portrait session, he said he liked the texture and quality of the men's portraits I posted on our website and he said he wants that kind of quality and he wants something dark. Before the photoshoot, I requested him to do some push-ups so the muscles would be extra prominent. Sprayed some water on his body for some texture. His body itself is a work of art. All I have to do is to setup the studio lights dramatically to give his muscles more definition, dimension. Result - the shadows that fall on his body is a beauty, the lights and shadows match the strength that he posses. I love my studio lights. The only photo post-processing I do is to set the color tone, and that's it. When posing, Roger is very confident and comfortable and open to ideas. He can project a certain character, and it was easy to photograph him. Later I learned that he does modelling stints and he's also an athlete and is flying to Chicago to run in a 26+ mile marathon! Roger told me he's very pleased with the photos, and he looks forward to work with me again.
I was around 10 yrs old (or younger) when I first heard of this amazing guitar music. I was sitting on the stairway in my hometown province in one of the islands in the Philippines, when my uncles played this concert on laser disc. When I heard the music, it overwhelmed me instantly. I never imagined a guitar could be played that way - outrageous! in full abandon and enjoyment, and reckless passion! At ten years old, those words were not in my vocabulary. But I felt it, the music spoke to me. It was an unusual experience. How universal, a music can reach out to a little kid that was me, in the hidden provinces in Asia, and opened the whole world of music imagination to me. The guitarist, Michael Hedges, was born in Sacramento,CA. He was performing at some cafe at Palo Alto when Will Ackerman (another good musician, I still listen to him) signed him up a recording contract with Windham Hill records. When I was in my teens, my uncles settled in America and when we got the chance to talk they told me we're all going to watch Michael Hedges in concert when I reach America. Unfortunately I was too late. Michael Hedges died from a car accident in 1997, he was driving home from San Francisco International Airport. He was 43. Then, I watched the movie August Rush, there was one scene when August's hands started hammering the guitar, and I told myself, that's Michael Hedges style! As I am a fan, it was kind of hard for me to accept somebody playing like him in a big movie, therefore I slightly ignored the talent behind the guitar playings (which was Kaki King). Only later I learned from the August Rush soundtrack that it was indeed Micheal Hedges' song "Ritual Dance" as performed by Kaki King and she did it so much justice.
Remembering Michael Hedges, these are some music clips that I so fondly watched him play for more than 50 times in my childhood years, now available in YouTube.
Aerial Bounderies
This song spoke to me then, song goes, "you can be a dreamer, you can make your dream come true, let imagination lead, reality will follow through..." as a kid i didnt know how that would work, but because he said it's ok to dream, so then i continue dreaming. and yes i dreamt of being a guitarist like him, and never happened. but i did play very little guitar, and eventually some (just some) piano to which I chanelled my creativity during my teens. And if there's one way to play, it should be with enjoyment and feelings.
Here's another Michael Hedge's song Ritual Dance as performed by Kaki King in August Rush.
Now that I'm watching his various clips in Youtube, I found out he's a really funny guy. How great would have been to watch him live. Well, here's one more clip, he's enjoying his own version of "Come Together" by the Beatles. Played at 1987. To the great Michael Hedges, just wanna say thanks and sorry I was late. :)
Ceremony: Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church 399 Wiget Lane Walnut Creek, CA 94598. Reception: Round Hill Country Club 3169 Round Hill Road Alamo, CA 94507. It was one rainy night when Jihyun stumbled on our website, she had been searching for a photographer, and then out of nowhere in the internet she found us. :) Google Adsense does work. :) Jihyun and Lloyd are a stylish (and yes, sexy!) couple and so easy to be around with. She's a doctor and he's a lawyer, and so much in love with each other. We had a great time working with them. Thanks guys for choosing us! Below are some of the photos... and here's a link to their wedding slideshow.
Ceremony Venue: Cypress Hotel, Cupertino Reception: Dynasty Seafood Restaurant, Cupertino Wedding Planner: Amy's Weddings & Events Jackie transformed into this beauty, on her wedding. No wonder, Tosh, the lucky groom, couldn't contain his joy upon seeing Jackie for the first time that day. Thanks guys for making us a part of your wedding. Here are a few of their photos. Jackie used this heirloom, the veil which her mom wore on her own wedding decades ago. It's fresh and white as new. Jackie's mom performing the sand ceremony. A week after the wedding, we completed a slideshow to highlight the newlyweds wedding, and we were as glad to receive Jackie's reply, "Tosh and I just got back this past Thursday from our honeymoon and we just saw our slideshow and we really love it! "
L.A. and Edgar are celebrating their 10th year of marriage, and what a special way to celebrate it, with their 10 year old son Ethan, in a casual family photoshoot with me. To L.A, Edgar and Ethan, thank you so much for letting me be a part of your anniversary. I had a great time with your fun-spritied family and I wish you more happy anniversaries in the future.